Janet Simmons Sweet

Oil Painter

Studio 204


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Grey Matter

Skies & Water

Trees & Recede


Janet Simmons Sweet is a full time, award winning Artist with a Studio in the Alton Mill Arts Centre since 2008.Her paintings are exclusively oil, using Walnut Oil with high quality pigments.


Her style is heavily influenced by the Romantic and Impressionistic Periods, first appreciated at the age of 5. Emotion is infused into a simple landscape using heightened natural light with contrasting vibrant colours. Private Workshops over the years have refined and shaped her own style. Dramatic lighting is the signature of her work.


Annual Solo Exhibits moved to her focus in 2014, with 12 canvases completing one narrative that is relevant, current and meaningful.


Janet holds Memberships in local art organizations, serving as Director/Treasurer and the Chair of Gallery/Marketing/Festival/Juried Committees. She is an elected member of the Colour and Form Society.


In addition to her Studio in the Alton Mill Arts Centre, she participates in Public Gallery Group Exhibitions, Juried Exhibitions, and Art Festivals on a regular basis. She has won multiple Juror and People’s Choice Awards and has been featured in local publications. Her art hangs in Private Galleries throughout North America and the UK.

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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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