Jason Duclos





Email: happyknife999@gmail.com

Website: http://www.happyknife.ca/


No social media profiles

Jason Duclos


Lord Mars, master of fire and iron,
god of war and strength,
grant my weak body the strength of an enraged bull
and guide my clumsy hand that I always strike true.  
In Geburah,

I invoke you now Lord Mars
and I will honor you in my work.


 Hi folks,

I'm a highly variable and random artist/mad scientist with a knack for making some super-fancy knives that cut like lazer beams, and I've been going by the name of Happyknife since 2011.

Currently exploring concepts in traditional blacksmithery, including sculpture, tools, and jewellery. When I'm not banging on the anvil I sometimes write oddball commentary on the life experience.

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