“May Day” Beltane Workshop with CJ Shelton

(), 2014

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Beltane or May Day was once a major festival that marked the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. May therefore became known as ‘merry month’, a time for maypoles, dancing and faerie folk, of passion and fire, for honouring friends, lovers and unions of all kinds … Beltane is all about magic, love and fertility!

Join mandala artist CJ Shelton in her nature-filled studio to learn more about this celebration of the ‘greening of the earth’ as you weave your own personal Moon Braid or Witches’ Ladder from natural materials, wool and ribbon. As your hands work, let your mind relax so that any wishes, intentions and desires are free to surface and become incorporated symbolically into your creation. When completed your Beltane ‘charm’ can be hung indoors or outdoors, gifted to someone special or worn close to your heart.

This is a fun way to welcome the season of renewal and passion during the Alton Mill’s Spring Open House. To learn more about workshops with CJ visit www.dancingmoondesigns.ca

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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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