Beyond the Frame

“Beyond the Frame” is an open-themed show and Headwaters Arts fifth members’ art show of 2024. The walls are filled with a variety of bold, edgy, soft and subtle art works by twenty-six ultra-imaginative and creative artists. The colourful and dynamically different works in this exhibit depict what an artist will do to push beyond the boundaries to express themselves and say what is important to them. The 65+ selected pieces include works in a variety of mediums: oil and acrylic paintings, clay, mixed media, cyanotype of fabric, wood, textiles and mixed media. 

Meet the artists at the official Opening Reception to be held on Saturday, August 10, 2024 from 1-3 pm at the Headwaters Gallery.
“Beyond the Frame” opens on August 7, 2024 and runs until September 15, 2024.

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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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