Culture Cafe presents: Click, Create, Celebrate

(), 2015

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Culture Café presents

CLICK*CREATE*CELEBRATE On Friday, October 23rd, 6 pm, in the Millrace Room, enjoy the Caledon Public Library’s annual literary and arts awards celebration. Live music, fabulous food, an art show of entrants’ works (in The Corridor Gallery), and announcements of the winners in the competition categories. Prizes are: $100 for first place, $75 for second place, $50 for third place in each of the categories.

Friends of Caledon Public Library are pleased to sponsor library contests to celebrate aspiring authors, poets and photographers in our community. Click*Create*Celebrate is a compilation of all the library's contests. Categories include: Adult Short Story, Elizabeth Scavetta Memorial Teen Short Story, Children Short Story, Adult Poetry, Young Adult Poetry, Photography (all ages) and Young Reels. 

Come out and celebrate the best of the arts in Caledon! Free admission.

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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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