Nature's Inspiration

Headwaters Gallery

The Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Art takes nature as its model”. For Aristotle, nature was the ultimate source of knowledge and understanding, and art, in its mimetic capacity, draws inspiration and models itself on the natural world.

Those words resonated with the thirty+ selected Headwaters Arts members who have created over 55 works for the third themed-Headwaters Arts members show of the year called “Nature’s Inspiration.” The immensely diverse and moving collection of artwork in this new exhibit at the Headwaters Arts Gallery opens on March 19, 2025.

The art show and sale features artwork in a variety of mediums, including acrylic, clay, oil, watercolour, wood, textiles, wool, stoneware, multi and mixed media, pastel, acrylic/pen, raku, photography and gouache/ink.

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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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