Transformation and Growth

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The Noodle Gallery kicks off the fresh Fall season with their brand new show, Transformation and Growth! Featuring the dynamic, colorful, abstract works of artists (and sisters!) Kate Taylor & Helen Utsal.

Throughout our lives, we grow and transform, influenced by the people and events that surround us. In the same way, our art evolves and transforms. For sister artists Helen Utsal and Kate Taylor, this dynamic has been in play all of their lives. Coming from an artistic family including grandmother Salme Utsal, a Montreal-based artist, the drive to create has been ever-present and always supported. They have driven each other and supported each other throughout the years to continue the process of growth and transformation of both their art and creative ambitions.

The family cottage instilled a love of nature from a young age and this has informed the work of both Kate and Helen.  Living in different parts of the country, each artist has integrated their love of nature in a different but complementary way.

The extraordinary natural beauty found in the Pacific Northwest calls for big expression and gesture. Vancouver Island artist Helen Utsal describes the patterns, light and movement of ancient trees, big skies and reflective waters in an impressionistic and personal way. She paints with liquid acrylics to capture the loose essence of the subject. She then goes in to develop detail and depth using oil paint and cold wax medium.

Humanity is connected to nature; our place within it and the energy we derive from this relationship. Kate Taylor’s work explores the unique forms and colours of nature and how they are an integral part of our lives – bringing contentment, grounding and joy. Capturing the energy in dynamic flower petals or communicating the movement of water, the visual is simplified to the barest elements. The unexpected colour combinations create energy and vibration, again encompassing the theme of joy. Viewers are encouraged to enter the work and reflect on their current state, reconnect with the natural world around us and move forward with positivism.

Transformation and Growth, will be on display from Friday, Sept. 16th until Sunday, October 30th. You won't want to miss this exciting and inspiring show! 


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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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