Words of Fire with CJ Shelton

(); (), 2015

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Make your mark at the Fire & Ice Festival! Join CJ Shelton in Studio 206 and help create a group mandala, a circular design made up of written words and symbols that carry energy and fire. In this form of art many people add to a single piece which becomes the visual story of all those who have contributed to it. When the mandala is finished its collective message radiates out into the world. If you added something to CJ's Message to Mother Earth last year, come see how the end result turned out, then help in the creation of a new mandala energized around the idea of What Our World Needs Now. No artistic skill is necessary, just bring your warm words and powerful thoughts, then make your mark!

This is a free activity for all ages. Drop by CJ’s studio 206 on the upper floor anytime during the festival.

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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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