The Birds Are Back In Town!

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The Falls Gallery is excited to welcome back the Mayfield Secondary School grade 9 students with their new exhibition, The Birds Are Back In Town! Join the young artists and see their fabulous watercolour illustrations of Eddie (the Great Horned Owl), Lady (the Snowy Owl) and Reggie (the Saker Falcon) from Kingsport Environmental.

This year, our student artists had the opportunity to draw the live raptors at the school and under the guidance of Mill artist CJ Shelton, students interpreted the birds symbolically. The student artists were attempting to capture the character, essence and spirit of each bird (rather than just their physical traits). They worked in the medium of watercolour in order to capture the subtle nuances of the birds.

Attend the opening reception of this great show on Thursday, May 4th from 4 - 7pm and meet the artists & Eddie the Owl (live) in the evening!


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Artist showing their art to two visitors in a bright studio

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